How to Sell Title Insurance

Written by: Nik Ventouris

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How to Sell Title Insurance

As a prospective title insurance agent, your ability to succeed in selling title insurance requires the skill to accurately and persuasively communicate its value to potential clients.

Marketing strategies, when employed correctly, can significantly enhance your reach, engagement, and conversion rates, thus aiding in your success as a title insurance agent.

This article aims to equip you with the key marketing strategies to help you navigate this path. Let’s delve into these strategies to better understand their role and use in the context of how to sell title insurance.

How to Sell Title Insurance Successfully

In the current era, effective digital marketing strategies are crucial for any title insurance business looking to reach its target audience, engage them, and ultimately increase client conversions.

Below, we’ll delve into some of the most effective digital marketing strategies you need to be taking advantage of when selling title insurance.

Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media is one of the most powerful platforms available to you for reaching potential clients. Here’s how to use these platforms to your advantage:

  • Create a social media presence: Start by setting up business pages on popular platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. This will serve as the foundation of your online identity
  • Consistent and relevant posting: Posting regularly about topics like how title insurance protects policyholders, current housing market trends, and homeownership tips can help establish you as a trusted authority. Ensure that your posts are straightforward, engaging, and provide value to your audience
  • Audience engagement: Don’t just post and forget. Be sure to interact with your followers by responding to comments and messages, as this helps to foster a sense of community and trust around your brand

Maintaining an active and engaging presence on your business’s social media accounts requires time and expertise.

For this reason, social media management services are a popular option among title insurance companies. These experts take the reins and ensure your accounts are filled with a consistent stream of relevant content that keeps your agency’s online persona fresh and inviting.

Recommended Service

As a title insurance agent, we recommend working with Arrow; Arrow uses AI in order to offer up to five personalized posts a week, online traffic boosts, and weekly reporting.

4.5 out of 5 starsArrow Now ($49 per month)

Content Marketing

Content marketing involves providing valuable information to attract and retain an audience. Here are some ways you can start using this tactic today:

  • Start a blog: This can be a space where you write and share articles about topics related to title insurance (e.g., how it protects policyholders from title defects or the effect of unlawful rebates on title insurance premium rates)
  • Distribute your content: Sharing your blog posts on social media and through email newsletters can increase their reach. This can enhance your visibility online and draw more potential clients to your website
  • Leverage infographics: Infographics can help simplify complex concepts, making them more digestible for your audience. You could create infographics explaining the process of acquiring title insurance, its benefits, and more

Recommended: If you are interested in boost-starting your content marketing campaign, have a look at Sitetrail’s premium press release services.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

PPC advertising can be a cheap and successful way to attract more potential clients.

We’ve included some guidance below to help you get started with this tool:

  • Select a platform: Platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads are popular choices for PPC advertising as they grant access to such wide audiences
  • Set a budget: PPC advertising involves bidding on keywords relevant to your business. Be clear on how much you’re willing to spend per click to ensure your advertising budget is sustainable
  • Craft your ad: Create a persuasive ad that highlights the importance and benefits of title insurance. Always include a clear call-to-action, such as “Contact us for a free quote.”


A great way to improve the effectiveness of your ads is to analyze when your target audience is most active and adjust your ad schedule accordingly to maximize visibility and clicks during these peak times.

Building a Website

A professional and user-friendly website is a fundamental aspect of selling title insurance. It helps to establish your credibility, which in turn attracts more clients.

Here’s how to create one:

  • Choose a platform: Platforms like WordPress or Wix are known for their ease of use and diverse design options
  • Develop clear and understandable content: Your website should clearly explain your services, provide information about title insurance, and offer easy ways for visitors to contact you. Answer common questions like “What kinds of defects will title insurance protect me from?”
  • Ensure user-friendliness: A well-organized, easy-to-navigate website can significantly enhance user experience. Make sure to utilize clear headings, short paragraphs, and bullet points to make your information scannable

Recommended Software

We recommend the GoDaddy Website Builder as a small insurance agent company. GoDaddy meets most small business needs while providing an extremely straightforward user experience.

Tips for Selling Title Insurance

Remember these key tips when selling title insurance:

  • Speak clearly: Avoid technical jargon and explain everything in simple terms. This ensures your clients truly understand what they’re purchasing
  • Maintain honesty: Always be truthful when answering the question “What does title insurance cover?” Overpromising could damage your credibility and professional relationships
  • Offer excellent service: Be courteous, professional, and responsive. This fosters a positive experience for your clients, increasing the likelihood of sales and referrals

For more information, have a look at our How to Sell Insurance article.

How to Become a Title Insurance Agent

If you aren’t licensed in your state, you will need to do this before you start selling title insurance products.

Even though the specific process for this can vary from state to state, you will generally need to complete the following steps in order to get a title insurance license:

  • Complete a pre-licensing education course in your state: This is a legal requirement in most states; even where it is not required, we recommend purchasing a course in order to ensure that you pass your exam on your first attempt. This can end up saving you both money and time
  • Take your state’s licensing exam: State insurance exams are generally administered by Pearson VUE, PSI, or Prometric. Line-specific outlines are offered to help with your preparation
  • Get a fingerprinting and/or background check: The exact fee for this will be dependent on your state, but is generally less than $100
  • File an official license application: You can usually do this with your state’s Department of Insurance. (This can also be known as the Division of Insurance, depending on your location)

Recommended: For more information, we recommend having a look at our state-specific How to Become an Insurance Agent article.

How to Sell Title Insurance FAQ

How do I become a title insurance agent?

The process to become a title insurance agent varies slightly depending on the state in which you want to become qualified. However, you will normally be required to complete pre-licensing coursework, if applicable before passing your state’s licensing exam. To read more about the specific licensing requirements in your state, see our How to Get Your Insurance License article.

How do I make my title insurance agency stand out?

To make your title insurance company stand out it is important to provide excellent customer service and make sure to stay up-to-date with industry trends. Adopting digital marketing strategies such as SEO, content marketing, and PPC advertising is essential to increase your sales. For a more in-depth look at how to improve your insurance selling, see our article on How to Sell Insurance.

How hard is the licensing exam for a title agent?

The difficulty of the licensing exam for a title agent is highly subjective and can vary depending on your preparation and understanding of the subject matter (e.g., the distinction between an owner’s title insurance policy and a lender’s title insurance policy). Studying well, taking practice exams, and completing any required pre-licensing courses can go a long way in increasing your chances of passing.

How do title companies make money?

A title insurer generates revenue in several ways, with one of the primary ones being the fees they levy for conducting a title search on a property you’re interested in buying. Additionally, title companies profit from the title insurance premiums of policies purchased with newly bought or refinanced properties. If the company handles title and escrow services, they will also make money for this as well. For more information, have a look at our How Do Insurance Companies Make Money article.

Is selling title insurance a good way to make money?

Selling insurance for a title company can be a profitable career choice. However, like any sales job, success depends on your ability to market your services effectively, build strong professional relationships, and provide excellent customer service. For guidance on how you can improve your selling success as a title insurance agent, see our How to Sell Title Insurance article.